Leaving ALS better than we found it

Supporting families affected by ALS, funding ALS research to find treatments or cures for Lou Gehrig’s disease, and honoring Lou Gehrig’s legacy.

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Lou Gehrig 4

Despite the fatal diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lou Gehrig continued to live his life with courage, determination, and gratitude. It is with this in mind that the Live Like Lou Foundation was established.

ALS Family

ALS families

Register for our programs including volunteer service at your home, scholarships for dependents of ALS warriors to pursue post-secondary education, and more!

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Join us to collaborate, advance the science of ALS, and learn more about our Live Like Lou grants to emerging ALS investigators, researchers, and institutions.

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Lou Gehrig at baseball game

ALS advocates

Help us honor Lou Gehrig’s legacy and leave ALS better than we found it by attending one of our events, fundraising for our cause, or sharing news about Live Like Lou.

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Phi Delta Theta members

phi delta theta, University of South Carolina

ALS is nOt INcurable. ALS IS just underfunded.

And the Live Like Lou Foundation is
doing something about it

Despite the scientific discovery of ALS in 1869, scientists are still years away from finding meaningful treatments or a cure. We think this is unacceptable, and it’s why we’re committed to leaving ALS better than we found it.

Live Like Lou newsletter

In the Dugout